Not so long ago, i was also in anticipation of the board exam result. Unlike the other professional board exams, ours is usually out after about 2 or 3 days from the last exam date. Thus, it saves us from the looooong wait in agony. I really couldnt describe what i was feeling during that waiting period. A lot of those ahead of me were telling me that this would be the most agonizing time during the board exam. The result would determine your future and this would really matter much. Good thing i was inside that dark deep hole during that time. I was totally numbed saving me from feeling fear and from experiencing agony.
Tonight, together with the people i know, i'm in joyful waiting of the results. A lot of our interns took the exam and im too excited to see their names. Soon, these slugs, roaches, mops and what-have-you's as named by our chairman, will be included in the line of hippocrates. The result shall determine those who are strong of heart and spirit after having been through the hardships of internship. The result shall recognize those who stood through the storm. Though this shall never identify who will become good clinicians in their respective fields, i believe that these interns of ours are well-equipped with compassion...the main ingredient in the making of a physician. I should know for they couldnt have survived their rotation in our department if they aint have even an ounce of it. wink! wink!
Note to self:
Goodness! It seems that you're more nervous and excited now than while waiting for your own board exam result. In a way, you were involved in their training and you also feel responsible for the outcome of the boards. Also, you have to realize that it's different being a "mom" now. You have adopted interns and just like them, keep on praying that they shall all pass.
I Survived January
3 weeks ago
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